Sunday, 27 March 2016

Next Generation Self Parking Car

RFID is a relatively simple technology, it is not new and it is already implemented in several industries, including logistics. RFID stands for Radio frequency Identification. Below is a simple picture of an RFID tag. This tag includes a chip which carries a memory and an antenna which is used to read the data on the memory. This particular tag does not need energy, but it is energized by the wave sent from the reading device. This tag is relatively cheap, also carries and transfers back data accurately. Recently , there is intense research to improve the performance of the chip and expand its application. One direction is to allow the reading device to read from distances exceeding five meters and to measure the distance from the device to the tag. By measuring the distance with accuracy up to one cm and using at least three reading devices, the accurate location of the tag can be determined.

This self parking car concept, suggests using the RFID tags and reader to guide the car into a parking spot. As the accuracy could be up to one cm;the sensor placed on the car and RFID placed on the sidewalk, the distance separating the car and sidewalk can be accurately measured and the orientation of the car can also be measured using two or more tags.
As the tags , carry data, the tags can have the exact distance between them on the memory and the approved car dimensions that can fit in specific parking.

The sensor on the car emits an all direction radio wave, that arrives to all nearby RFIDs , energizes the tags and receives feedback data from individual tags.

As the data reaches the tags, a radio wave is reflected from the tags carrying the data. The time delay for this reflected data and the known speed of the wave propagation is one method the car can identify the distance from the tags and orientation.

This  RFID self park system, can be the basic system for park guidance, and additionally assisted by rear view camera and other types of sensors (Ultrasound or other) that the car could be equipped with.
It could be more accurate so that the car identifies its location and orientation for a perfect positioning compared to camera assisted park.
Installing RFID tags along a sidewalk is not of high cost, the tags price is dropping as the technology spreads. The tags do not need energy, they are passive systems, only energized by the car sensor when it is activated.

Friday, 25 March 2016

Küg - A Dice you do not Throw

As Successful redesign has a higher chance than a dice's 1/6 if you know what you are doing. Küg is a redesign of the dice function of generating a random number from 1 to 6. The exception is that the user does not need to throw Küg, but a small ball that runs through it to reach one of six gates in the design. Each gate has a number from 1 to 6 and the chance for the ball to reach each gate is 1/6.

It must be noted that One of the oldest known dice games was excavated from a Mesopotamian tomb, dating back to around 24th century BCE (ISBN 978-1-4522-6610-7). The dice has not changed for thousands of years.

In the Küg design,the ball is thrown in the center hole, it falls on a tiny platform inside the moving bell and rolls out of six axi-symmetric openings in the bell, and finally lands on the bottom platform and stops at a gate.( In the above picture the gate Roman numbers II ,III and IV are shown) . The ball trajectory is shown in the section view below.
The bell at the center of Küg is not made for esthetic design only, but also for function. If Küg is placed on a tilted table of up to 10 degrees, due to the force of gravity, the bell adjusts and aligns perfectly vertical to keep the chances of all gates equal at 1/6.

The above picture is a first 3D printed prototype to allow the testing and improvement of the design function.
The final functional Küg. 3D printed

Sunday, 20 March 2016

Matter, Mass and the Big Bang

This article will go through several small ideas or concepts to end up with a different approach to how the universe formed and where did matter come from.

Starting with the idea that light (which is an electromagnetic wave, photon particle) is attracted by large gravitational fields, light bends arround large objects and is sucked into a balck hole and never allowed to leave. So then light should have a virtual form of mass , a mass in motion, the energy (based on E=mc2), this gravitational effect should also be valid between light rays themselves, they should be attracted and drawn closer along their path.

Computer generated imge of a star. source:
So we move to the idea that light traveling thousands of light years distance should not be perfect parallel but converging slightly. Objects then seen in the sky appear smaller than they are, because light converges.
Moving to another idea with the same subject, the question must be asked, what happens when light enters a black hole, if it is not able to move at the speed , if time stops in a black hole, if it has to be concentrated at densities far higher than anywhere in the Universe. The proposed idea is that this light confined, trapped and condensed may itself turn into matter of different forms; forming the particles described in the standard model, or even the smaller pieces that make them. The idea is that energy in electromagnetic form, moving at high speed is trapped in a black hole and converted into matter. Same as Hydrogen goes through fusion in a star to become Helium. Light goes into confinement in a black hole to become matter.

Light Bent by Gravity (Image: C. Sheng, H. Liu, Y. Wang, S. N. Zhu and D. A. Genov)
This Idea leads itself to a grander thought. If at a point, the universe was filled with light energy and no matter. This light could be attracted through gravity to itself, grouped in a huge spherical form of light, where energy density is too high, Confined Energy forms as what we are familiar with as particles (in a similar approach of H , He, O, C ... Fe sequence) until the process collapse and the sphere ejects all energy and newly formed matter. This would be another way to look at the Big Bang. There was only light, light grouped in a sphere of high energy density and formed confined energy. At a point this "Fusion" collapsed, porbably when reaching a certain particle that does not balance the forces. The sphere collapses and releases Energy and Confined Energy; thus a "Big Bang".
 So in the picture below, one would have Confined Energy (matter) at the core, formed from "Fused" light; and Moving Energy (light) surrounding the core.

Fusion of H to He insidea star Source :
Here is a thought. There is no absolute direct way of measuring mass. Mass is derived from the resistance to change, gravity force, impact energy or chemical reactions. In reality, there could be no mass, no matter, no particles, simply confined energy, which we perceive as matter.

 What we call mass is what I call here "Confined Energy".

Now you can look at you arm and see it as a group of infinitely small confined energy spheres, that refuses to interact or to disconnect. This Confined Energy is the building block of our Universe.

Digital Art  Source :

A closing thought on gravity, which is still a mystery for physicist.One theory could be that there is a third field which create gravity force, this field originates from the imbalance of the electromagnetic field, the quantum effect of this disturbance is the gravity force. Because it is a simple disturbance of a major field, it is  much weaker and it has a constant value relative to the quantity of confined energy (what we call mass) because, at the Macro level, a quantum disturbances has a mean value.